Thursday 11 June 2015


There are lot of books which are being written these days which they call as "mytho-history". Many authors are coming forward to recite history as they percieve it. Lot of modern authors put their thoughts into it, where they are trying to find bad in good, good in bad- all shades of gray. But may be one thing we fail to notice is people whom we are talking in B.C.s cannot be like us,could not have thought like us. They had a complete different set of value systems- the vedas and the upanishads imparted knowledge and dictated life. The life was ruled by doctrines and principles, not by free thinking. May be Krishna is the only one who started the whole process of free thinking. So may be we should give a benefit of doubt to the good sides of both the epics, Ramayana and Mahabharata and accept their virtues rather than glorifying the goodness factors of the villians,because it appealed to the values of those times. At least times when there were values and people believed in them. A just king(s) cannot be condemned to whole life with a single mistake !!

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