Monday 9 July 2018

BBC Adaptation : MiddleMarch by George Eliot

Plot Review:
Another lovely BBC Adaptation based on the book by George Eliot, the story is set in the fictitious town of MiddleMarch in Provincial England. Set around the time when England was on the verge of reforms and revolution, following the footsteps of France, the people are divided in their opinions on change and progress. The story is centered around two main characters, the idealistic doctor , Tertius Lydgate, and an intelligent aspiring girl, Dorothea Brooke. Both of them, naive , principled, and with strong convictions set forth on a journey to change the world. Instead, they find themselves trapped completely into wrong marriages and the narrow minded society in which they live in.

They falter, struggle, try to work around the circumstances in which they find themselves in. The revolution sweeps England, things change. Small steps taken by small people bear fruits somewhere else in the country. The story indicates that the efforts of both Lydgate and Dorothea may not have been conspicous , but somewhere, their convictions and ideas  have indeed given birth to something bigger and better.

And then there is Will Ladislaw, the rebel, who does not confirm to any of the society rules. He lives life on his own terms. He loves the fresh grass under his feet and the sky , which he fathoms as a roof. Disinherited from his rightful claim, he has no fixed income, but yet he is full of talent. Property matters stand as a barrier between him and the woman he loves, Dorothea.

MiddleMarch is filled with many characters, each one of them struggling to work around the problems life has posed before them. Some pass with flying colours, some fail and get exiled. But the story belongs to the three main characters, Lydgate, Dorothea and Will Ladislaw. They stand out beautifully in their lead roles. You cannot be indifferent to the agony Lydgate goes through, he sets out to make a difference in this world, offering free medical service to the hospital in MiddleMarch. All odds stand against him and he has to give up his dream to make a breakthrough in the medical field. On the other hand, the romance between Dorothea and Ladislaw is refreshing to watch, subtle and very endearing. Dorothea has to finally let go of her deceased husband's vast fortune to marry Ladislaw. The same fortune, with which she had set forth to change the world in her own small way, has to be given away for love. Thankfully, things are not as tragic for Dorothea as for Lydgate, as she does not repent on her decision in marrying for love.

So, MiddleMarch ends with happy tidings for Dorothea and not-so-good consequence for Lydgate.
And it ends with me, feeling content and happy , having watched yet another good British period Drama. And also lucky, because I bought the last DVD from Amazon India and it is not currently available in stock  right now :)

Recommended : 👍👍👍

Buy MiddleMarch online from

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