Thursday 24 November 2022

The Choice

 Author : Dr Edith Eva Edgar

The Choice is an autobiographical account of a Holocaust survivor , Dr. Edith Eva Eger who survives the Auschwitz and later the Death March . She articulates the horrific experiences very vividly .She holds onto hope and light within to get past some gruesome experiences .
I was prepared for this part of the book as I was aware that it is about the Holocaust .
The war is over , and she survives . But Is it a happily ever after ? No . She recovers , marries , bears children , life goes on . But the pain and the suffering lingers in the back of her mind . The trauma acts up in different ways and costs
her a lot . Then she starts questioning herself and the meaning of all her suffering . She starts studying , one degree after another and finally studies psychology. Now at 90, she is an active psychologist treating patients with depression . She talks about multiple clinical cases she has handled , and how she managed to overcome her own trauma and later helped heal others .
This book was a very heavy read , I was not prepared for the second half and it hit me hard .Huge respect to Dr Edith Eva Eger who survived the trauma , worked on healing herself and then put her life to good use healing others .
There are some books which demand your attention and your emotional energy . This is one such book , it is not for the faint hearted and you cannot take it lightly .
It teaches you a lot , I wouldn’t have picked it myself. But no doubt it is a very Informative read. The lady is a huge inspiration . The Choice is up to you , to read this book or not .
Rating: 👍👍👍👍👍

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