Friday 24 March 2023

How to Write a Historical Novel and Love it

How To Write A Historical Novel And Love ItHow To Write A Historical Novel And Love It by T.L. Clark
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I picked up this book, as I do have a penchant for writing and I was really inspired and impressed with this book. The author has put in a lot of hard work to list out a check list based on her own years of experience.
The points she details out to consider when writing the historic novel, like, when, what happened during the period, could be a change of power or natural calamities and research on what would be appealing to the audience at that point of time. The book also details out the process of writing a novel, pointers from the conception to research, writing, editing, publishing and a lot more.
This book contains a plethora of valuable information and I think I will place an order for a printed copy very soon.

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