Monday 31 July 2023

How to catch Little Boys and eat them

How to Catch Little Boys and Eat ThemHow to Catch Little Boys and Eat Them by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a pretty cool retelling of Jack and the BeanStalk. This is told from the perspective of the giant.
The giant lures little children to come to his castle, and sells them the magic beans, the golden harp and golden eggs. When Jack comes up to the castle, the giant tries to play the same trick on Jack.
But Jack plays a counter trick on the giant. He offers to do an infomercial for the giant to lure more little boys to come up the castle. The giant believes him , oblivious of the tricks Jack has up his sleeve.

I thoroughly enjoyed this retelling of my favorite fairy tale with bright illustrations.

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