Monday 14 August 2023

The Adjustment Bureau

I watched this movie in my flight back home . This one is my favorite genre , romance and action and well , it has Matt Damon . He plays a successful politician , David Norris , who is on the verge of winning an election . The future looks bright and rosy , and he is all set to be a presidential candidate.
He meets a contemporary dancer , and instantly falls in love . What ensues is a bunch of freak accidents . There are a group of mysterious men who are hell bent to keep him apart from the woman he loves . David learns that he is up against the powerful agents of fate themselves . He gets a glimpse of his own future when they decide to confront him and tell him that he is not destined to meet the woman again . David is forced to either accept the destiny as it is or defy fate to be with the love of his life.
This movie is more than a decade old , nevertheless I enjoyed it thoroughly. It is mostly a chase , race against fate , he has to be at the wrong time in a wrong circumstance to cheat destiny . An action fantasy tale, too good to be true . The lead pair is terrific , visual treat to the eyes . The screenplay is taut and gripping . Overall a great watch .
My Rating: 👍👍👍👍


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