Saturday 25 November 2023

West with Giraffes

 Author : Lynda Rutledge

This is a long pending review on a book I loved the most . I did not want to hurry and wanted to pen it with leisure , taking my own sweet time .
A very compelling tale set in United States during the depression era, this story is based on real life events when two giraffes were transported from Africa to San Diego Zoo in 1938. The giraffes arrived on a battered ship surviving a hurricane at the New York Harbor and then were transported in a rig across the country to the zoo.
In the book , the characters who are transporting the giraffes are an old man and a Texan farm boy Woody , who had survived the dustbowl and lost his family and friends . He They are followed by a lady reporter who wants to make a mark for herself in the world of journalism covering the sensational tale . Each one of them has been through a traumatic past and are fighting their own inner demons .
But the limelight of the book is stolen by the giraffes , boy and the girl , as they are named by woody , two colossal majestic beasts , who maintain their composure even under extreme circumstances when everyone around them is loosing their wits .
Off they go on a road trip , Woody driving , with the old man in the passenger seat , facing challenges in each state , crossing them one after another . They encounter different type of perils in each one , the dark tunnels of Tennessee , the steep winding narrow roads of Smokies , the dust bowl of Oklahoma, flash flood of Texas . Wherever they go , people are in awe of the dignified beasts and welcome them with open arms.
In the narrator’s words , in all our lives , there are few episodes which are life changing . These instances will remain with us for the rest of our lives , which are otherwise mundane . You cherish those memories , which enrich your soul and mind and shape you into the person you are .
This book has the power to enrich the soul of the reader as well . After reading the book, there is a certain change , an understanding that there is more to life than the narrow mindset in which many of us live in . Any book with animals is enriching to the soul , and in this book, the two giraffes steal your heart and carry it away with them . It’s lost , forever .
The book establishes a very deep connection between human characters and animals , how much can be achieved if we decide to coexist rather than take control . The narration is beautiful and thought provoking, there are many instances where what the author says hits straight to the heart and makes you reflect on yourself .
It’s a larger than life kind of a reading experience. If you are an animal lover , like to read more about the history of America and have a penchant for adventure and road-trips , go for this book.
Personally , me and my family have gone to more than one zoo the past couple of months, spent quite some time at the Giraffe enclosure and have stared longingly at giraffes and tried to initiate a conversation with them . Magnificent creatures, the Giraffes !
Lynda Rutledge , take a bow !!

Rating: 👍👍👍👍👍

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