Sunday 28 August 2022

Aru Shah (Pandava ) Series

Author : Roshni Chokshi

I read this series this whole summer along with my son and we both loved it . This series is written under Rick Riordan banner and follows the same pattern as his other books in Greek / Roman and Egyptian mythologies , but is written by an Indian author Roshni Chakshi who did a fabulous job with this Quintet. The main protagonists here are five girls who are the reincarnated souls of the five Pandavas . There is a sleeper ( reincarnated soul of Suyodhana) who wants to bring upon destruction to the world . The Pandavas mission is to stop the sleeper . They undertake multiple quests to gather weapons and the army to fight against the sleeper . And in these quests , they meet various mythological characters and we come across the stories surrounding them . The author clearly states that she is dealing with Vedic Gods and does not touch upon the major Gods . We do not come across the holy trinity or any other major Gods and Goddesses whom we pray at the temple ( except one big God briefly and Hanuman who is very respectfully depicted ). We meet Garuda , most of the planets , many Vedic Gods , Varuna , Vayu, Agni , Ashwini Gods and the Nagas , Vasuki and Takshaka - these being only few . The Churning of the Ocean of milk plays a major role in this book. So children get to learn a lot about Indian mythology . Most of portrayals are not accurate but they get to know who is who . These are all the stories either my mother had told me or I read them in Amar Chitra Katha editions . The author also touches upon the negative emotions like anger , grief , hatred and revenge and how these emotions affect us equally as much as our enemies . She conveys these message through the affected characters , with whom grave injustice was done and they chose to act with vengeance, like Takshaka , Shurpanaka , Karna and Shikhandi . It is very good thinking to make the children aware of these negative emotions and not to hold on to them too long that they destroy their mental peace and cause harm to themselves and the world . She also subtly brings out the point that it is never black and white , good is not always good , bad is not always bad . The Pandavas , the Gods all of them had their weaknesses and have made grave mistakes from time to time . The bad is always not bad , injustice has been done to the Asuras right from the time the ocean of milk was churned . Overall these books had a plethora of knowledge, with lot of wisdom imparted in a subtle way with great sense of humor . But please keep in mind that depiction of the mythological characters is not accurate , most of them are funny or pompous , but in a good way . If you are okay with this liberty taken with the Gods and the heroes , I would definitely recommend this Quintet, for adults and children alike . The picture has the Quintet and one graphic edition of the first book .

Buy Pandava Series at

Rating: 👍👍👍👍👍

Sunday 14 August 2022

The Lake House

 I watched this movie again , nearly after a decade . I had picked up the book The Lake House by Kate Morton a few weeks back . The book did start with a girl , a dog and a letter but well 100 pages into it , no hero . Turns out the book and the movie are not related at all . I put the book on pause , and had to turn it in yesterday . Weighed by guilt , watched the movie yesterday night .

A classic romance, there is Keanu Reeves , there is Sandra Bullock , there is dialogue , conversation , connection and Persuasion . This movie will always remain one of my favorites !

My Rating: 👍👍👍👍👍

Friday 12 August 2022

Just like Heaven

 I got some recommendations from one of my friends few days back. So I am just watching these movies late nights . I love light romantic comedies , subtle and full of life . Of late , it’s hard to find movies like You have got mail or when Harry met Sally . They are full of humor and spirit . Speaking of which this movie literally has a spirit . A heart broken widower David moves into an apartment where the ex-tenant doctor Elizabeth’s ghost still lingers and surprise, they fall in love ! The imagination is far fetched but the movie was such fun to watch . I was laughing through out . Mark Ruffalo is very good at refined subtle humor . He and Reese Witherspoon make a terrific pair . An out and out light hearted romantic comedy . Wish they make more of such simple movies again ! Alas, for some reason everything is dark , intense and complicated !

Buy or rent the movie at

My Rating: 👍👍👍👍👍

Thursday 11 August 2022

Purple Hearts

 A very fine movie , true contemporary romance . Watched it late night yesterday .A struggling song writer and a troubled Marine get into a fake marriage to avail health insurance benefits . Typically in love stories , it is said that fate has different plans . Same holds good here , but this movie also goes on to prove that it is us who complicate things much more and make our own lives miserable. Especially in these times , where being strong , independent and hiding our vulnerabilities is the new trend . It is not the question of holding on to our beliefs , but it is the certainty with which we scorn at others . We have all got it , we know the mantra for success and yes we are successful, except we achieve everything by crumbling inside . This movie nailed it to the core .

“Pretending now that we don't care
The tension climbs across the air
I'm more than scared
I'm drowning in your eyes
I'm terrified
Letting my fears show 'til I can face 'em
Letting my tears go 'til I can taste them
How do I know where you and I go?
Damn it, I hope you come back home!”
Indeed a true emotional journey , a beautiful movie ! Watch it to soften up a little and yes ,there is beauty in being vulnerable.

My Rating: 👍👍👍👍